Welcome to the information page of HoofdZorg Kliniek. Here you will find everything you need to know about our specialised treatments for head lice and how we can help you as soon as possible. We also answer the most frequently asked questions so that you come to your treatment well-informed and reassured.
Frequently asked questions
Still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us, we are ready to help you!
How do you get infected with head lice?
Head lice spread mainly through direct contact between hairs, such as when taking a selfie. Head lice cannot fly or jump and survive a maximum of 24 hours if they are not in the hair.
What are head lice?
Head lice are parasites that feed on blood. Their bites leave behind saliva that causes itching. The maximum lifespan of a head louse is one month if not controlled.
There are 400 species of lice, divided into three groups: European, Asian and hybrid. In 2015, scientists discovered a mutation of the head louse that is resistant to most shampoo treatments, called the super-lice. However, our treatment kills all these head lice.
What are nits?
Nits (eggs) are stuck to the hair close to the skull. If they are further away from the skull, they are often empty shells or non-viable eggs.
How quickly do head lice spread and get worse?
Without treatment, head lice spread quickly. Each female lays up to 15 eggs a day. With timely detection, a person usually has up to a few dozen lice, but this number can reach into the thousands.
Can I also be treated with extensions?
We can basically treat all types of extensions (braided, glued/taped, with ring and clamped). We only do not comb the bit near the extensions. You bear the risk for any loosening of the extensions yourself. This rarely happens, but is not impossible.
Can we also be treated at the same time/after each other?
At HoofdZorg Kliniek, we often treat several people from a family at the same time or one after the other. You can click on "add another booking" at the top right when booking after entering your name to book multiple treatments.
Can I bring a tablet or phone?
As sitting still can be difficult for children, feel free to bring a tablet or phone to our lice clinic. This usually makes the experience more pleasant. Earphones are allowed, but a headset is not.
Why doesn't my lotion/shampoo work?
When using shampoo, often with dimeticon as the active ingredient, you are in for one to two weeks because shampoo or oil only kills the lice and not the eggs.
Be specifically aware of shampoos or lotions that do not mention an active ingredient like dimethicon. There is no scientific evidence that these work (and in our experience, they don't).
Do you also offer warranty?
It rarely goes wrong, but should a few nits survive, you are welcome for a free re-treatment within a week at the lice clinic to fight them again.
Does HoofdZorg Kliniek use chemicals?
We use a lotion with dimethicone during the treatment, of course, we can also skip this at your request. The guarantee on the treatment is then void
Should I also clean my house?
After treatment at the lice clinic, you should vacuum your house thoroughly, including the sofa. It is advisable to wash bedding at sixty degrees. Pillows can go into the dryer on the warm setting for half an hour. Pay particular attention to your brushes and soft toys when cleaning.
Can I also reschedule or cancel my appointment?
Up to 48 hours before the treatment, you can cancel or reschedule free of charge. After that, free cancellation or rescheduling is no longer possible.
Can I also be treated by a woman in a private room?
Yes you can, the easiest way is to give us a call or send a WhatsApp message and we will arrange for you to be treated by a female staff member in a separate room.
How quickly do you deliver products from the webshop?
If you order before 20:00, we usually deliver to PostNL the same day and almost always the day after. Please note that PostNL does not deliver on Sundays and therefore we do not deliver on Saturdays.
How comes the price difference with and Amazon? and Amazon ask us to include shipping costs in the product price, which makes the price higher. On the other hand, they take on marketing and hosting and that reduces the extra cost.
This is why the price is higher with them than in our own webshop or other places.
How do I return a product?
You can create a return label at this link.